The May athlete of the month is CrossFit Kid:
Tommy - Congratulations!
works hard at every workout, pushing himself as hard as he can. He
never complains or gives less than his best and always cheers on his
classmates. Tommy exhibits our values consistely and is a role model
for his peers. Tommy ends each CrossFit class with one request, "Can I
climb the wall?"
How old are you? 10 Years Old
Do you play any sports? Yes, I run track and Field, and I CrossFit
What are your hobbies or favorite things to do? I'm a gamer, I love
Legos, I like to fish, being outside, playing Baggo, and read.
What job do you think you might want to have someday? I want to make games for Nintendo.
How long have you been doing CrossFit? Since February, 2012
What CrossFit exersize is your favorite? Jumping the wall
Your Least Favorite? Burpee's
What was your favorite workout, game or moment at CrossFit so far? CrossFit baseball
What would you like to get better at in CrossFit? Weightlifting
Anything else we should know about you? I'm pretty awesome :)