Partner amrap in 20 minutes
1 power clean
1 front squat
1 push jerk
1 split jerk
Partners each complete one round then alternate. Increase weight each round until a challenging weight is reached.
Cash out:
5x5 strict pull ups (partner assist as needed)
WOD: Bench press 5-5-5-5-5 Then For time 10 to 1 Kettlebell swings (run 50m before each set) Rest 3 minutes Tabata burpees (score is the lowest Tabata round completed)
Skill focus: Dip & press the sunny sky (push press)
Warm up: Beach towel trample (kids move around "beach towels" in the way indicated by coach (run, swim, crab walk, etc) and then when coach yells stop they find a towel and do the exercise indicated
WOD: AMRAP in 5m Throw beach ball (Med ball) then run to ball and do 3 burpees, throw beach ball behind you then run to ball and do 5 push press
Team workout "3s"
Max row calories in 3 minutes
Max sit ups in 3 minutes
Max squats in 3 minutes
Max burpees in 3 mins
Entire class is a team (or half if really big). Each person can only do
three reps and then the next person must go round robin style.
Skill focus: Hang power snatch (work on technique for sets of 3)
For time:
10 hang power snatches, row 100m, rest 1m
10 hang power snatches, row 200m, rest 1m
10 hang power snatches, row 300m, rest 1m
10 hang power snatches, row 400m, rest 1m
10 hang power snatches, row 500m
Charge up your super hero power-3 burpee
Run down to other side of the gym, knock over the bad guy (foam roller) and do 3 super hero squats, sprint back
Game: Return the loot
find the stolen loot (balls or change plates) around the gym the bad
guys stole and return to the bank (upside down box in middle) as fast as
you can...repeat. You can have one person be the 'robber' and hide the