Warm Up:
Crossfit Dodgeball
Hit in the arm - 10 push ups
Hit in the leg- 10 air squats
Hit in the stomach- 10 sit ups
Hit in the head- 10 burpees
CrossFit baseball-
Start off with a forward roll
Lunges to first base l
10 thrusters (weighted/ unweighted)
Lunge to second base
10 burpees
Lunge to third base
10 toes to bar/ knees ups
Lunge to home plate
10 tuck jumps
Scream or team A or B
(10 minute AMRAP)
Light 800 meter run
Hit in the arm - 10 push ups
Hit in the leg- 10 air squats
Hit in the stomach- 10 sit ups
Hit in the head- 10 burpees
CrossFit baseball-
Start off with a forward roll
Lunges to first base l
10 thrusters (weighted/ unweighted)
Lunge to second base
10 burpees
Lunge to third base
10 toes to bar/ knees ups
Lunge to home plate
10 tuck jumps
Scream or team A or B
(10 minute AMRAP)
Light 800 meter run
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