Sunday, May 27, 2018


Wall Walks/Plank Holds

30 seconds of work/30 seconds rest at each station
Wall Walks
Box Jumps
Jump Rope
Wall Balls
Repeat 3 times.

Cash out:
Gymnastics Rings Skills


Warm Up:
Agility Ladder Drills

Skill Focus:
Bench Press

Test Day!
5 rounds not for time
Max Reps Bench Press 
immediately followed by Max Pull Ups


Warm up:
Freeze Tag (freeze in Bottom of squat, plank, stand on one foot...etc)

Skill Focus:

AMRAP in 1 minute of each exercise followed by 1 Minute rest

Kip Swings
Sit Ups
Jump Rope
Box Jump 

Kids Choice


Warm Up:
Dynamic Drills

Skill Focus:
Double Unders

For time 
10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups 
20 Toes to Bar
30 Deadlift (medium)
100 Double Unders
30 Box Jumps
20 Burpees
10 Cleans (heavy- same as DL)

Monday, May 21, 2018


Warm up: 
 Alley loop run- Lunges- Alley loop run - Broad jumps- Repeat 


3 rounds for time with a partner
10 Medball passes 
10 alternating squats 
10 relay runs 


Thursday, May 17, 2018


Warm Up:
Med Ball Drills

Skill Focus: 
Sumo Deadlift

Test Day!
3 Rep Max Sumo Deadlift


5 Rounds for Time of:
8 Strict Pull ups
12 Goblet Squats
24 Situps

Tuesday, May 15, 2018


Warm Up: 
Build Your Own Obstacle Course

Skill Focus:
Toes to Bar

Team Station Rotation in 10 Minutes
Farmers Walk (4 lengths of gym)
AMRAP Toes to Bar 
AMRAP Box Jumps
* Team Rotates by Farmers Walk

Move the Castle


Warm Up:
Dynamic Drills

Skill Focus:

Every other Minute Complete 3 Push Press (heavy) and max set push ups


Team Station Rotation in 15 minutes
100 Meter Farmers Walk (heavy)
AMRAP Toes to Bar
AMRAP Burpee Box Jump Overs
*Team rotates by farmers walk

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Congratulations to Sydney & Johnathan!

Our teen athletes, Sydney & Johnathan competed at the 2018 MidAtlantic Teen Throwdown this weekend at Central Bucks CrossFit.  

It was their first individual competition and we couldn't be prouder of their performances!  They took on 4 challenging workouts in 3 hours, like pros.  

Sydney took 3rd place overall on the Speed clean ladder and Johnathan PRed his Clean at 155lbs!

Floater WOD: 500 meter Row & 3 attempts at Max Snatch in 5 minutes.

Both athletes PRed their 500 meter row time at 2:02.6 (Sydney) and 1:49.5 (Johnathan). Sydney was 4th overall in the row and 5th overall in the snatch.  Johnathan was 6th overall in the row.

Sydney finished 7th place overall and Johnathan 9th overall. 

An excellent performance from both young athletes! 

Friday, May 11, 2018

Steve's Club King of Prussia

This is Johnathan, an athlete at Steve's Club King of Prussia in Pennsylvania. Read his success story.

"I was able to start doing CrossFit almost 2 years ago because of Steve's Club King of Prussia and It has effected my life in many ways. I have not only gotten healthier and stronger but I have also learned if I work hard, I am able to reach goals I wouldn't have thought possible. Because of Steve's Club I have had the opportunity to compete in weightlifting meets, the CrossFit Open, and Teen Competitions. I also got to go to Leadership Camp last summer where I got to meet friends from all over the country that like to workout and lift like I do. I am thankful for Steve's Club because of people I have gotten to meet. I have made so many friends. The kind of people I am around at the gym, make me better. Participating in CrossFit has also made me less shy. I am not afraid to speak to new people and I have been able to make more friends at school. I am truly grateful for everything Steve's Club and CrossFit has done for my life."

CLICK HERE to see the 
Steve's Club National Program's Annual Report

Our chapter of Steve's Club; Steve's Club King of Prussia provides free CrossFit classes and weightlifting programs for local disadvantaged youth. Through your support not only are they able to attend our programs, but we also provide assistance for competitions, meet registrations, travel expenses, Steve's Club Leadership camp registration, purchases of equipment and gear for our kids. 

 Steve's Club King of Prussia will be our 
check in for charity May 2018 through September 2018! 

 Please check in on social media at the gym and use the hash tags #checkinforcharity and #isupportstevesclub and consider pledging your own donation of a certain amount per every check in we receive (or give a one time donation or specific monthly amount) On average we receive anywhere from 200-350 check ins each month, lets increase that number!! Donations are tax deductible! 

CLICK HERE to make your pledge to 
 Steve's Club King of Prussia!


Warm Up:
Dynamic Drills

Skill Focus: Pull ups

Test Day!
3 rounds for time of:
400 meter Run
21 Kettlebell Swings (light)
12 Pull ups

Cash Out:
4 rounds not for time
12 Ring Rows
8 Ring Dips


What is CrossFit?

Warm up:
Station Rotation

Skill Focus:
"Legs, Back, Pull! (Rowing)

Partner AMRAP in 10 minutes
10 Air Squat
10 Dumbbell Snatch Right
10 Dumbbell Snatch Left
* One partner completes one round, the other partner rows


Tuesday, May 8, 2018


Warm Up: 
Dynamic Drills

Skill Focus:

4 Rounds (not for time)
5 Strict Pull Ups
Max Plank Hold (Test Day!)


4 Rounds for time:
250 meter row
20 Pistols
20 Dumbbell Snatch (light)


Warm up:
Dice Knock Out!

Skill Focus: Overhead Squat

Test Day!
3 Rep Max Overhead Squat


AMRAP in 12 Minutes
1 Squat Snatch (heavy)
3 Clean & Jerks (same weight as snatch)
30 Double Unders